If you are unsure as to whether to list your home during the 4th quarter, just think CHRISTMAS!
Cash – Buyers may have more cash during this time of year to purchase a new home due to employment bonuses. Don’t assume that everyone is spending their money on presents.
Happy People – Buyers and sellers are usually in better spirits during the holidays. With everyone in a good mood, transactions tend to go smoother and get to closing quicker.
Relocating Buyers – Buyers moving for a job tend to do so towards yearend in order to be in position in January to start their new job.
Inventory Limitations – If you're selling during the holidays, there are usually fewer homes for sale. Less competition means more showings and a better offer on your home.
Serious Buyers – Anyone looking for a home now is a more serious buyer with specific timeframes to meet.
Time – Buyers have more time to look for a home during the holidays than during a normal workweek.
Motivated Buyers and Lenders - Buyers may be more motivated to purchase by yearend so they can take advantage of the homestead exemption. Lenders are motivated since yearend is fast approaching and loan volume may be slowed due to the season. It can be a win-win for all involved.
Absentee Buyers – Buyers who are in town visiting or on vacation may be just the buyer for your home. You want your home on the market and ready to show.
Shows Better – Homes just look better all decorated during the holidays. Who can resist a home with a fire burning in the fireplace and presents under the tree?
Whether you list your home during the 4th quarter or wait until after the New Year, there really isn’t a bad time to list your home in Jacksonville. As long as your home is priced competitively, in a good location and in good condition, you should be able to secure a buyer no matter the season. Happy Holidays!